ASP Eğitimleri


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ASP Referansı

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ADO Nesneleri

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ADO Nitelikleri Özelliği

❮ Parametre Nesne Referansını Tamamlayın

Nitelikler özelliği, bir nesnenin bir veya daha fazla özelliğini belirten uzun bir değer ayarlar veya döndürür.

Not: Birden çok öznitelik ayarlarken, değerleri toplamak mümkündür.

Object Description of the Attributes Property
Connection The Attributes property has read/write permissions on a Connection object. Its value can be the sum of one or more XactAttributeEnum values. Default value is 0
Parameter The Attributes property has read/write permissions on a Parameter object. Its value can be the sum of one or more ParameterAttributesEnum values. Default value is adParamSigned

The Attributes property has read/write permissions when used to create a Recordset, but it has read-only permissions when you open an existing Recordset. Its value can be the sum of one or more FieldAttributeEnum values

Property The Attributes property is read-only for a Property object. Its value can be the sum of one or more PropertyAttributesEnum values



Örnek - Bir Bağlantı nesnesi için:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"



Örnek - Bir Alan nesnesi için:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "Select * from orders", conn

set f=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Field")

'Display the field attributes of the Orders Table
for each f in rs.Fields
  response.write("Attr:" & f.Attributes & "<br>")
  response.write("Name:" & f.Name & "<br>")
  response.write("Value:" & f.Value & "<br>")

set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing

Örnek - Bir Özellik nesnesi için:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "Select * from orders", conn

set prop=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Property")

'Display the property attributes of the Orders Table
for each prop in rs.Properties
  response.write("Attr:" & prop.Attributes & "<br>")
  response.write("Name:" & prop.Name & "<br>")
  response.write("Value:" & prop.Value & "<br>")

set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing

XactAttributeEnum Değerleri

Constant Value Description
adXactAbortRetaining 262144 When calling RollbackTrans it automatically starts a new transaction.
adXactCommitRetaining 131072 When calling CommitTrans it automatically starts a new transaction.

ParameterAttributesEnum Değerleri

Constant Value Description
adParamSigned 16 The parameter will accept signed values.
adParamNullable 64 The parameter will accept null values.
adParamLong 128 The parameter will accept long binary data.

FieldAttributeEnum Değerleri

Constant Value Description
adFldCacheDeferred 0x1000 Provider caches the field values and reads from the cache.
adFldFixed 0x10 Field contains fixed-length data.
adFldIsChapter 0x2000 Field contains a chapter value that specifies a child recordset.
adFldIsCollection 0x40000 The field specifies that the resource represented by the record is a collection of  resources
adFldIsDefaultStream 0x20000 Field contains the default stream for the resource represented by the record.
adFldIsNullable 0x20 Field accepts null values.
adFldIsRowURL 0x10000 Field contains the URL that names the resource from the data store represented by the record.
adFldLong 0x80 Field is a long binary field.
adFldMayBeNull 0x40 You can read null values from the field.
adFldMayDefer 0x2 Field values are not retrieved from the data source with the whole record, but only when you explicitly access them.
adFldNegativeScale 0x4000 Field represents a numeric value from a column that supports negative scale values.
adFldRowID 0x100 Field contains a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to and has no meaningful value except to identify the row (such as a unique id)
adFldRowVersion 0x200 Field contains some kind of time/date stamp used to track updates.
adFldUnknownUpdatable 0x8 The provider cannot determine if you can write to the field.
adFldUnspecified  -1
Provider does not specify the field attributes.
adFldUpdatable 0x4 You can write to the field.

PropertyAttributesEnum Değerleri

Constant Value Description
adPropNotSupported 0 The property is not supported by the provider.
adPropRequired 1 The user must specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized.
adPropOptional 2 The user does not need to specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized.
adPropRead 512 The user can read the property.
adPropWrite 1024 The user can set the property.

❮ Parametre Nesne Referansını Tamamlayın