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PHP Değişken İşleme İşlevleri

PHP Değişken İşleme İşlevleri

PHP değişken işleme işlevleri, PHP çekirdeğinin bir parçasıdır. Bu işlevleri kullanmak için kurulum gerekmez.

Function Description
boolval() Returns the boolean value of a variable
debug_zval_dump() Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
doubleval() Alias of floatval()
empty() Checks whether a variable is empty
floatval() Returns the float value of a variable
get_defined_vars() Returns all defined variables, as an array
get_resource_type() Returns the type of a resource
gettype() Returns the type of a variable
intval() Returns the integer value of a variable
is_array() Checks whether a variable is an array
is_bool() Checks whether a variable is a boolean
is_callable() Checks whether the contents of a variable can be called as a function
is_countable() Checks whether the contents of a variable is a countable value
is_double() Alias of is_float()
is_float() Checks whether a variable is of type float
is_int() Checks whether a variable is of type integer
is_integer() Alias of is_int()
is_iterable() Checks whether the contents of a variable is an iterable value
is_long() Alias of is_int()
is_null() Checks whether a variable is NULL
is_numeric() Checks whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
is_object() Checks whether a variable is an object
is_real() Alias of is_float()
is_resource() Checks whether a variable is a resource
is_scalar() Checks whether a variable is a scalar
is_string() Checks whether a variable is of type string
isset() Checks whether a variable is set (declared and not NULL)
print_r() Prints the information about a variable in a human-readable way
serialize() Converts a storable representation of a value
settype() Converts a variable to a specific type
strval() Returns the string value of a variable
unserialize() Converts serialized data back into actual data
unset() Unsets a variable
var_dump() Dumps information about one or more variables
var_export() Returns structured information (valid PHP code) about a variable